Buy Exclusive Goat Skull Area Rug | DARKOTHICA®

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Goat Skull Area Rug


Darkothica exclusive. Make a statement with this Goat Skull Area Rug! Featuring four pentagrams, goat skulls and crescent moons, you'll be inviting a thrilling energy into your home. Defy traditional decor with this daring Darkothica rug. Unleash your dark side! Any creases from shipping will smooth out in a short period of time.

The top of this rug is super soft; made of stain-resistant polyester fabric - NOT woven. Backing has a non-slip texture, but I recommend additional non-slip backing if you are using this area rug on a floor without a carpet. 

Lightweight - easy to clean - 3 sizes available

3-4 business days processing time - additional estimated 10-15 business days for shipping time. Priority Mail is not available for this item

Design by Kayla Bailey

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